Still time to win a Hazelbury Hurrah race place! – Prize draw this weekend

If you’ve entered Hilly Helmet 2019 already then we’ve great news for you. You’re in the draw to win a free place for the Hazelbury Hurrah! in July. Yes that’s right July, the month before our own event.

Our friends at Corsham Running Club have once again donated two places to help entice you to sign up for Hilly Helmet 2019. Last year they were prizes on the night of our event but as it now takes place a month earlier than ours, we’re giving them away early meaning you could be a winner before you even come to run with us in August!

This Friday at midnight will be the cutoff for this and names of winners will be announced on here on Monday 3rd June, so if you’ve been meaning to enter but have been procrastinating, do it now and have a chance of getting a little extra something while still entering your favourite event.

Waitrose boost for Hilly Helmet

We’re thrilled to announce that Warminster supermarket  Waitrose have confirmed this week that our event has been chosen as one of three projects to benefit from their Community Matters project during the month of June.

Shoppers at the Warminster branch will have the option of dropping charity tokens into our box to help boost the money we can send to Brain Tumour Support, so our appeal is simple. If you or your family or friends shop at Waitrose in Warminster, we would really appreciate it if you would please consider dropping your token(s) into the collection bearing our name. At the end of the month all tokens in each box are weighed with each cause benefiting by the percentage weight in their box. Alongside this news an item will appear in the Warminster Journal which will hopefully act as a good prompt for people to choose us for their tokens as they shop.

We’re very grateful to Waitrose for choosing our cause and giving us this opportunity and hope you are able to support us during this campaign.

Introducing The Hilly Helmet Smile Factor

We’ve lots to be excited about in the lead up to this years’ event. We’ve smartened up our website, got some nice colourful flyers and advertising material and some nice props on the way for the night. We’re spreading the word via social media, our flyers and via our opportunity to appeal to the running community via our ‘on the road’ campaign at the local parkruns.

We had a great turnout Saturday and we can’t wait to do it all again at Southwick Country Park on 25th May at  the parkrun. It’s not our event, we’re just introducing ourselves and offering a place to the parkrunner that runs (or walks) in the helmet we find most interesting. We had some great comments from people at Melksham at the feeling that came from running in a helmet last Saturday, though some were a little worried they might not be able to stay the course, so we’d like to put this straight.

You see the happy lady in the picture at the top? If you have any doubts, she’ll be the one that makes sure you do get to the finish and all with that great big smile. Judy has been sweep since the event first started in 2017 and she’ll be there to encourage those at the back again this year. Just to reassure you further, she’s a first aider too, what more could you want?  So now we’ve put your mind at rest, have you signed up yet?

Chippenham Helmet Run – Update

We’re pleased to announce the Chippenham helmet themed parkrun planned for June 1st has now been successfully rescheduled for a week later and will take place on June 8th.

Please remember that Chippenham parkrun starts at 9am with a pre run safety brief taking place beforehand, so please get there in plenty of time. If you want a run time you’ll need a barcode which you can get by registering in a very simple process. You can still run without a barcode but you just won’t get a time.

If you run wearing a helmet with a bit of imagination you’ll be in with a chance of winning a free place for our August Hilly Helmet event. Our grateful thanks go to Chippenham parkrun for kindly hosting us and helping us promote our charity event. This prize has been generously donated by our event partner Running Guy.

Terms and conditions

There’s just a few reasonable conditions.

The prize is not transferable and no alternative is offered.

To be considered for the prize the wearer has to wear their helmet to take part in the parkrun.

The winner of the Hilly Helmet Free entry prize will not be entered into the Hazelbury Hurrah prize draw promotion.

Helmet on the road – Chippenham event date change

We’ve been advised by Chippenham parkrun that our event at their run scheduled for 1st June may have to be changed due to other commitments for them. As they don’t want to water down the impact for us, we are consulting with them for a mutually convenient date and we’ll advise when it will be in due course. Many thanks for your understanding.