Fundraising Surpasses £20000 Total To Brain Tumour Support

Hilly Helmet founder Robin-Mark Schols was very pleased to meet with the CEO of Brain Tumour Support Tina Mitchell Skinner last month. Robin has his own ‘Champion Fund’ for the charity and the charity set up the meeting to present him with a certificate to mark his fund passing the £20000 mark. Starting with a fund target of £5000, Robin has raised the target several times and has been able to achieve this via several fund raisers and of course via Hilly Helmet.

“It was very nice to meet up and receive the award”, said Robin. He continued, “Once people got used to me running it became harder to achieve sponsorship as it had become what I do, so I was keen to find another way to help raise money and created Hilly Helmet. I’m delighted at the support it has enjoyed over the years both from runners and backers, with all event expenses being covered by generous event partners for every event I have put on since it first started. The success of the event, including winning an industry recognised ‘runners rated’ award in 2019 has surpassed anything I could have imagined. I’d like to thank everyone who has helped with Hilly Helmet over the 6 years we have run it, event partners, donors, volunteers both on the night or at other times behind the scenes and of course, our amazing Helmeteers who take part and help us raise the money we do. Without all the support and goodwill the event would be nothing and that’s why we keep a good eye on the little things. We look forward to seeing you once again this year on Wednesday August 10th at Leighton Recreation Centre in Westbury with race start at 7pm.



Join Our Club On Strava

We’re delighted to announce our new run club, Hilly Helmeteers. As a Strava user you’ll be able to connect with other Helmeteers or trail runners in our club and see how your weekly mileage, elevation and hours on feet stacks up against fellow club members. It’s free to join, so don’t delay, and sign up today at the link below.