First Event Partner For 2024 Announced

Whilst we’re still in the process of setting up entry for this years’ event, (full time job to hold down too you know!) we’re delighted to welcome Stark Ecology as an event partner once again this year.

Georgies’ company has supported Hilly Helmet from year 1 and we’re so pleased to have her support once again this year for our eighth running of our event, which we’ve catchily titled ‘Hilly The 8th’.

Over the years we’ve been very fortunate to have event partners picking up our event expenses to make it possible for 100% of your entry fee to get to our charity partner Brain Tumour Support and we can’t thank them enough.

We’re in talks to add to our partners for this year and welcome anyone who would like to get involved, please just drop us a line if you’re interested and we’ll be in touch. We’ll announce further partners  as they are confirmed. Additionally, we’re very pleased to announce support from Wiltshire Council once again.

Hilly Helmet 2024 – Save The Date!

We’re pleased to announce the provisional date of Wednesday August 7th for the 8th running of The Hilly Hemet Challenge, so please save the date. Please watch this space and our social media feeds where we’ll confirm things as soon as possible and let you know once entry is open.

Once again, our charity partner will be Brain Tumour Support and as usual, we’ll be setting runners off at 7pm sharp, starting and finishing at Leighton Recreation Centre with refreshments provided by Westbury Cricket Club as per last year.

Now looking forward to our 8th year, it’s amazing to look back at our event first held in 2017. At the time, it was felt it would be a one off to thank everyone for their support during founder Robins’ recovery from his brain surgeries the previous year but the support for the event and appetite for another running meant it turned into an annual thing.

The event went on to survive Covid-19 in 2020 to run as a virtual event and has won two Racecheck awards in 2019 and 2022, with glowing recommendations from participants. It has also raised over £30,000 over the years, earning founder Robin a BBC Wiltshire ‘Make a difference’ award in 2022.

We look forward to welcoming you once again this year to Hilly the 8th.