There is no doubt about it, it’s been a tough time for everyone even a year after we came out of the Covid-19 lockdown of 2020-2021, and current world affairs are not helping the person in the street return to normal as it was previously.
It was our hottest ever event last night but it didn’t stop our Helmeteers creativity or the efforts of all our finishers.

Last years winner Ed Knudsen took the win again in 26:09 with wife Gemma crossing the line as 1st lady in 35 minutes dead. George Sawyer took the 15-U18 male category prize with a time of 45:47, while there were no 15-U18 females taking part to award a prize to.

The prize for the Best Helmet was awarded to David Mackie from Corsham. Several other helmets caught the eye and all winners received vouchers donated by local sports equipment and apparel suppliers Sportsbug, along with pottery prizes to mark their achievements.
We’d like to thank all our generous event partners who supported us again this year, as listed below who helped to cover essential event expenses, including prizes and mementos and other items you just take for granted.
Kyna Software, The West Wilts Magazine, Stark Ecology, Mike Sargeant Stone Walling Services have been stalwart supporters of our event for many years now and we thank them for their continued support along with Welton Bibby & Baron and the Paper Bag Co in Westbury who supplied us with bags for your goodies at very late notice. Many thanks too to White Horse Pottery who created our wonderful mementos and prizes once again for the 6th year.
Big thanks to local sports retail company Sportsbug who joined us for the first time this year to sponsor prizes and choose the best helmet with a few other that caught their eye.
Thanks also to Brain Tumour Support who once again turned out to cheer everyone on and supply all our winners with a cuddly hippo.
Appreciation is also due to Leighton Recreation Centre for helping the parking at the centre go smoothly and to Westbury cricket club for really entering in to the atmosphere and providing a great bar and BBQ.
Many thanks also go to everyone that helped get the event on in the lead up and on the night, without whom none of this could be possible.
Everyone who took part should know that 100% of the entry fee benefits the charity directly and will always be the case with no event company taking a slice of the profit.

We were very fortunate to have two bonus donations too, one from Mark Barnett who persuaded his employers to also make a donation which they did to the tune of $2500 US! We’re very grateful to him and his employers Crane Payment Innovations for their generosity for the second year in a row. The second boost came from our first time Helmeteer Steve Thorne who ran as one of our sponsored BT100 runners this year. Steve was raising money for Brain Tumour Support as a tribute to his friend Andy who has survived a brain tumour and was there to support last night along with Steves’ partner Debbie. Steve has managed to raise in excess of £600 for which we’re truly grateful.
All this means our 2022 event is looking good for a total exceeding £4000 in total, which is just fantastic, thank you to everyone for playing your part. We’re now due a rest, but hope to be back same time, same place next year, so do start planning those helmets. The theme for your headgear will be the number 7 and we’re sure there will be some magnificent ones on show.
Until then!