Hilly Helmet 2020 Statement

We hope you’re all well and coping with current restrictions and the worry the health pandemic Covid – 19 is bringing to us all. In the light of current affairs, it been a time to get a grasp of the seriousness of the situation and take on board what it really means to us all.
The whole country is having to deal with a very serious situation and of course runners with the added disappointment of all races being (quite rightly) cancelled and hoping things will get back to normal as soon as possible. It’s likely to mean a log jam of rescheduled events in the second half of the year for those events that are even able to reschedule.
We’ve been watching the situation unfold and have given serious consideration as to whether our event is likely to be affected. As it takes place in August, it might be far enough away that we still get to hold it, but we’re realistic enough to recognise that it too could be under threat if things don’t get any better by then. Additionally, we don’t see any other window within which we would be able to reschedule should we not be able to hold it in August.
At the present time, we’re still planning to hold the event on the date advertised, BUT we’ll make the tough decision to cancel if we need to in good time. Of course our event raises important funds for the charity we work so hard for, Brain Tumour Support. Like all charities, they are being hit hard with a massive reduction in donations at present and cancelling our event will really hit them hard, so we really will do all we can to get the event on to continue supporting them once again this year.
We’d like to thank all our entrants and our backers, West Wilts Magazine, Stark Ecology,  Mike Sargeant Stone Walling, Stampede Sports and Kyna Software for their unswerving support at this time too. Thanks to them, should this years’ event not happen we have a good amount of funding in place towards next years’ expenses. Our Helmeteers, volunteers, backers, in fact all our supporters are so important to us and our events and anyone who has entered will not lose their money and options will be put forward in due course should we be in the position we need to take these steps.
Please be careful and observe the government guidelines and stay safe and we’ll look forward to seeing you all soon. Watch this space for more updates.