With many mass participation running events being cancelled this year, converting Hilly Helmet to a virtual event was a tough decision but the only choice if we were going to be able to try to continue to back Brain Tumour Support again in 2020. Those already entered have had their entries converted to the virtual event with some stating they were happy for us to just donate their entry fee to the charity this year.
With no actual event to marshal this year we’ve been able to open virtual entries up to include junior runners for the first time, as well as offering specially priced family entries.
We’re pleased to report numbers are doing well with almost 90 signed up and it would be great to push this number as high as we can again this year. Please remember as it is a virtual event this year you can take part in your own neighbourhood at a time that suits you, and don’t forget your helmet! (and your camera) We’ve four best helmet prizes up for grabs for the adult male and female and the juniors too, so give it your best shot.
As usual, we’re indebted to our event partners, all of whom provided funds towards this years’ event. We’ve been in discussion with them all and received confirmation they all plan to back us once again next year while also picking up the tab for this year.
They are:
Stark Ecology
The West Wilts Magazine
Mike Sargeant Stone Wall Services
Remember, everyone taking part this year will get a special pottery memento which will be a little different to previous years. In addition, the first 200 sign ups will also get a drinks bottle provided by Wessex Water. Mementos and bottles will be distributed once restrictions on social distancing are reduced. With mementos ordered normally arriving in August we should start delivering them around that time. Please remember to send us photos of you taking part in your helmets so we can share them. We’ve already had them start coming in and as expected there are some great efforts among them.
All runs/walks are to be completed by Wednesday August 12th, the date we originally scheduled for the run this year. Pictures and proof of participation can be emailed to robin@orangehelmetevents.org.uk