New Backer and Latest News

We’re delighted to introduce our latest supporter, Plymouth based Beaver Teeth Services who offer plant hire services to deal with tree roots and similar problems and are expanding week by week to offer new services. Owner Darren understands recovery from tumours all too well and is supporting our event as well as taking part. We look forward to welcoming him on the night.

We’ve also taken delivery or our race bibs and signage and expect delivery of our new hi vis waistcoats for our helpers this week too. A trip to the pottery this week also proved to be a positive one with good progress being made on your event mementos and prizes.

Our opportunity for shoppers at Waitrose in Warminster to donate their green tokens to us remains in place until the end of the month, so please keep supporting us as you’ve been great so far. We’re the slot in the middle.

We completed our 4th Helmet themed parkrun at Shepton Mallet last week. It’s been great going on the road at Melksham, Southwick, Chippenham and Shepton Mallet and being able to create awareness of why we’re doing this and our grateful thanks go to everyone who has helped make this possible, including event partner Running Guy who provided the prizes.

Entries are coming in nicely and we’re making space for 175 participants this year. We’ve still got places available for free if you are raising a minimum of £100 plus gift aid for Brain Tumour Support. If you’re interested in this we’ll kit you out with a charity t shirt or vest to keep and you’ll run for free. Please get in touch if you’re interested.

Finally, we’re also working to report some exciting news of another donation, details of which will follow over the next few days.