Waitrose boost for Hilly Helmet

We’re thrilled to announce that Warminster supermarket  Waitrose have confirmed this week that our event has been chosen as one of three projects to benefit from their Community Matters project during the month of June.

Shoppers at the Warminster branch will have the option of dropping charity tokens into our box to help boost the money we can send to Brain Tumour Support, so our appeal is simple. If you or your family or friends shop at Waitrose in Warminster, we would really appreciate it if you would please consider dropping your token(s) into the collection bearing our name. At the end of the month all tokens in each box are weighed with each cause benefiting by the percentage weight in their box. Alongside this news an item will appear in the Warminster Journal which will hopefully act as a good prompt for people to choose us for their tokens as they shop.

We’re very grateful to Waitrose for choosing our cause and giving us this opportunity and hope you are able to support us during this campaign.